The Department of Advertising & Public Relations at the University of Georgia is pleased to welcome Dr. Marc Weinberger as he returns as an in-residence visiting research scholar. “I have returned each year since spring of 2012, because of the welcoming and talented faculty as well as the departments national reputation for excellence,” said Weinberger. Weinberger comes from the Department of Marketing at the University of Massachusetts-Amherst, where he served as Professor and Associate Dean for Faculty Affairs and Research in the Isenberg School of Management. Among numerous articles and presentations, Weinberger coauthored Humor in Advertising: A Comprehensive Analysis (2006), a definitive source on the topic.
While at Grady, Weinberger continues to work on humor-appeal projects and he has a major big data project underway examining the relative marketplace effects of advertising, PR, social activity and promotional on customer sales, profitability and corporate brand value.
For the second year Weinberger has organized a research series attracting established and young faculty AD/PR researchers from around the country to speak at Grady College. AdPR’s Focus on Research Series for 2017 includes the following talented line-up.
We are thrilled to host each of these guest lecturers on the following dates. Please join us! 1)January 20 Michelle Andrews, Assistant Professor, Georgia Tech—Mobile Advertising and Promotions
2)February 10 Ray Taylor, Professor, Villanova University—Advertising, Editor International Journal of Advertising
3) March 17 Pengyuan Wang, Assistant Professor, UGA, Marketing—Multi-platform, On-line and Complex Media Campaign research
4) April 8 Brooke Fischer Liu, Associate Professor, University of Maryland, Director, Risk Communication & Resilience Research Program