Our Cannes Lions Advertising Study Abroad program, offers two academic courses centered on the famed Cannes Lions Advertising Festival, which takes place in the south of France each year. This year’s program ran from June 13 through July 1, 2016.
Students and Alumni from the AdPR Department at Grady College made quite an impression among industry professionals. Two AdPR alums won Gold Lions and one alumni at Leo Burnett participated in the Young Marketer competition.
Two Public Relations students, Shelby Gordon and Shivani Patel paint a picture of life at the festival in this article published in PR Week. Shelby is pursuing a degree in public relations with a communication studies minor at the University of Georgia at Athens, Georgia. She will be graduating in fall 2016. Shivani Patel is pursuing a dual degree in public relations and linguistics with a Spanish minor at the University of Georgia at Athens, Georgia. She will be graduating in fall 2016.

Congrats to all the AdPR faculty, staff, students, council members and alumni who participated in making this yet another fabulous year in Cannes Lions! What a fantastic and immersive learning experience.Additionally, Madison French tells her story here, of the opportunity to participate in the study abroad program: PR Council Blog