Advertising and Public Relations at UGA

Senior Spotlight: Morgan Ford

Morgan is a senior AdPR student from Fayetteville, Georgia majoring in Public Relations and minoring in Fashion Merchandising. During her time here at UGA, Morgan has participated in a variety of organizations. She was involved with the student-led magazine, Rouge, for two and a half years, serving on the marketing and styling teams. She also served on Student Government campaigns for two years as well, and she is currently Grady’s Crisis Communications Coalition intern.

Morgan’s favorite class she has taken in her time at UGA is Public Relations Writing with Tom Cullen. Before taking the class she had heard that it was a difficult course, but tried to go in with an open mind and ended up loving it. She remembers the class as being challenging but so worth it, and she can distinctly see the difference in her writing before and after taking the class. Morgan said that Professor Cullen was the first professor who really showed tough love in his critiques of her (and her classmates’) work, but his truthful insights are what made her a better writer. 

Morgan is currently interviewing for full-time opportunities for after graduation, and is between two PR firms in Austin and Atlanta. Working for an agency is something that will take Morgan one step closer to her ultimate dream job, which is to work communications for Vogue. Looking a bit closer down the line, in the next five years Morgan hopes to be in New York City working in fashion and lifestyle PR. Her first internship was with Krupp Group, which is a lifestyle public relations agency, and she loved the focus of the agency work and how it aligned with her interests. Her good experience at Krupp Group really made Morgan want to work in fashion and lifestyle PR one day, especially in a place like New York.

“What is meant for you will be for you”

One of Morgan’s favorite things about Grady is its close-knit feeling. She says, “Grady has a community focus that a lot of other schools at UGA don’t have,” and that is something that has really enhanced her experience at UGA. She also admires how the classes directly benefit her future career, and she can see that all the work she does has a purpose that will serve her as a professional in her field. She is grateful that the professors in Grady know exactly what their students will need for their careers and reflect this in their curriculum, sure to not waste any of their students’ precious time.

Lastly, as a senior, Morgan’s advice to students is to have integrity. Especially in the mass communications field, she feels there can be a competitiveness that pressures a “whatever it takes” mindset, which is not sustainable and puts an importance on image and pay. Morgan really stresses the importance of staying true to yourself.

“When you do work, make sure it is work you are proud of.”


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