Name: Anna Kate Newall
Hometown: Alpharetta, GA
Campus Involvement: I’m involved in UGA AdClub where I serve as the Assistant to the Director of Recruitment. I also serve as the Special Events Coordinator for Alpha Gamma Delta.
Company and Position of Internship Last Summer: I was a Social Media Ambassador at Imagine Media Consulting in Atlanta, Georgia.
Where do you see yourself in 10 years?
In 10 years, I see myself working for a social media marketing or advertising agency in Atlanta. My goal is to find a company where company culture is a priority, and their company beliefs align with my personal beliefs.
What skills did Grady College teach you that you were able to apply to your positions this past summer?
The skill that Grady taught me was confidence! I felt unqualified while applying for internships but meeting with my advisor and attending resume critiques allowed me to feel confident in my abilities. Grady also provided me the opportunity to meet Imagine Media Consulting at the Grady Career Fair in the spring. I was prepared to attend the career fair all thanks to the way Grady prepared us!
What advice do you have for students wanting to work or intern in this kind of position or at this company?
My number one tip for students applying for a position like this at Imagine Media would be to be passionate and do your research. Imagine Media values company culture most importantly, which really stuck out to me during my interview and throughout the summer. While doing your research focus on what you can learn about the company — from company culture to the team, even to the clients they work with. It’s important to be knowledgeable at career fairs and interviews. Lastly, I’d encourage you to get connected with these companies now. Imagine Media has multiple social accounts you can follow to keep up with them and frequently hosts events at their office for friends, family, and those interested in Imagine Media. Attend these events if possible, you have to get your foot in the door somehow!
What skills did your position this summer teach you that you will apply to your career after UGA?
This summer taught me to be confident in my abilities and to reach for more. I’ve also learned so much about teamwork and leadership. I was a member of a small team this summer that allowed me to make really great connections with this team. I’ll definitely take away the relational aspect that this past summer provided me. I never imagined I’d be able to have such an incredible summer internship experience, but after this summer I’ve been encouraged to shoot for the stars. As cliche as it sounds, you never truly realize what you are capable of until you reach one of your goals!
UGA’s AdPR Department loves hearing from successful students like Anna Kate! Keep up the good work!