Advertising and Public Relations at UGA

Intern Spotlight: Olivia Tompkins

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Public relations major and AdPR intern Olivia Tompkins

Introducing one of the student interns behind the scenes in the Advertising and Public Relations department this year, Olivia Tompkins. Olivia is a senior public relations major with a certificate in public affairs communications. She has lived in Maryland her whole life and has interned at a child advocacy nonprofit, worked in the crisis and litigation department at APCO Worldwide and is currently a social media coordinator for a health and wellness company. Here at UGA, she is very involved in PRSSA. This is her second year on the Social Media Committee, she is a part of the Bateman Team, and she has participated in a student-run PR agency on campus, Creative Consultants, in the past.

Who has been an impactful teacher during your time within Grady College?

Joe Watson and Kristin Smith. It is clear to see that they go above and beyond with their job requirements so that their students succeed. I am very appreciative.

 What is your dream job after graduation?

Anything in the nonprofit/ corporate social responsibility, global policy, crisis/ litigation or public affairs field. I prefer agency over in-house PR and I want to be working in a major city.

 What are your goals for your career after UGA?

To move to Europe and intern for a year to expand my cultural knowledge and influence.

What has been your most memorable moment during your time as a student within Grady College?

The donut eating competition for #adpridegames2017. Can’t wait for more years of #adpridegames to come.

Describe valuable lessons or skills that Grady College has helped develop for you.

Where do you see yourself in 10 years?

Hopefully, I am back working in Washington D.C. and have traveled to every continent.


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